The Art of Letting Go

By Leslie D. Schultz, ACC, LPC
Co-founder Life Coaching Institute of America, Inc.

Change. We are all gifted with change; be it solicited or unsolicited. Change. Let us explore this together!

Coaches partner with their clients in their contemplation of change. Life Coaching Institute of America’s (LCIA) graduate coaches understand the process of change and speak directly to this, utilizing the communication skill set of Motivational Interviewing (MI).

Letting go. Letting go of where we currently are ~ status quo ~ and entering conversations of what we desire, what we have the ability to achieve, the reason/s change is important to us and our need for this change to occur.

Motivational Interviewing refers to this as preparatory change talk.

Exploring desired change. What will it require from us and what are the steps to accomplish this change? And we all know this adventure of change is not easy, regardless of how much we want it.

It is so important to give honor to where we are at this moment in time. Discover how we got to this place, its meaning to us and what is causing the yearning to consider a future that encapsulates our desired change. Often, we experience a great deal of ambivalence as we have coaching conversations around our status quo and change. We feel uncomfortable, a bit anxious, wanting and hoping for something more…something different…something better. Ambivalence is to be expected. It is the norm. It is so important to explore what change will require of us as we let go of status quo and reach for change. Our hopes, dreams, and visions.

One thing we all can agree on is that moving forward towards our desired change requires that we let go of status quo.

A baby step, a giant step, and letting go is required. Letting go can be a cherished event. What are the meaningful golden nuggets that you are taking away with you? What will carry you through into this change that will equip you in attaining your success?

I often reminisce of childhood recess and playing on the rings. I remember gaining momentum from movement from one ring to the next. I held on tightly until the next ring was in reach. And then…I let go. I reached and grabbed the next ring. I had to let go to move forward and finish! It was such fun and a meaningful life lesson.

More recently I experienced ambivalence regarding a professional career change. I had to let go of that inner voice that caused me to question my decisions about moving forward. That voice that told me I was comfortable and familiar with where I was (status quo). I found that when I focused on the here and now and not on my future vision of where I desired to be…I felt a sense of being stuck. And my desired change kept calling my name. I explored what this change would benefit me and what it would cost me. The answer was clear. I moved into change. I made a commitment, moved into action, and actively took steps towards my goals. Easy? Nope. Intimidating? Yes. Wonderful outcome? Absolutely, on so many levels.

The art of letting go. Be brave. Be creative to live your best life now. It is an art and having a MI coach to partner with you through the process is priceless.

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